Memory Nurture: 08 9593 8305
Telehealth Referral Line: 08 9593 8305

Young Onset Dementia Assistance

Memory Nurture assists people with Young Onset Dementia (YOD) and people with Parkinson’s Disease through the NDIS.

What is Young Onset Dementia?

Young onset dementia (YOD) or early onset dementia, is any type of dementia that occurs in people under the age of 65.  Although it is much less common, in 2019 there was an estimated 27,247 people in Australia living with a diagnosis of younger onset dementia (YOD).  Getting a diagnosis can be difficult as it is not common in working aged people, however recognising the signs and symptoms, and getting support early is crucial to maintaining quality of life.

Unique Challenges for Younger People

Although there is no difference in the disease itself, young onset dementia has many unique challenges not faced by the older population.  At the time of diagnosis, many are still in regular employment, may have young children, may be financially responsible for their family and are usually physically healthy.  

Following a diagnosis of dementia there may be opportunity for medications to be introduced to ease some symptoms. An early diagnosis gives you the opportunity to make important decisions about your future as well as taking steps to maintain quality of life

Getting a YOD Diagnosis

A diagnosis of YOD is a life changing event, however with the right support, you can continue to engage in activities that are important to you.  Memory Nurture understands the unique challenges for those with YOD and aims to support you to continue to live an enjoyable and productive life.  

We can help to develop a comprehensive support plan to assist you and your loved ones with your day-to-day life and enable your family to live well.

To get support please contact us using below options