Memory Nurture: 08 9593 8305
Telehealth Referral Line: 08 9593 8305

Tailored exercise

Stay Active, Stay Well

Keeping physically active is an important part of maintaining your health and well-being. Our physiotherapists and/or therapy/support workers can assist you or your loved one to maintain general fitness through engaging in enjoyable activities, whether it is taking a walk in a park, playing a sport or other physical activities.  Tell us what you or your loved one enjoys doing and we will support you to do it. 

For specific exercise programmes, our Physiotherapists can assist you or your loved one to achieve physical well-being goals.  Your progress will be monitored and reviewed by the physiotherapist to ensure the program remains appropriate to your needs and goals. 

We can also provide falls prevention programs to help maintain safety in the home and community.  Our therapists use the OTAGO Exercise Program to reduce falls in older people.  It combines specific balance and strength exercises with a walking program to improve safety and mobility.  We can also assess your home environment for risks and hazards that may contribute to falls and work with you to create a safer home environment.

If you would like tailored exercises or falls prevention included in you or your loved one’s treatment, then enquire about our programs.

To find our more about Tailored exercise, or to book a Tailored exercise consultation, click on an option below.