Memory Nurture: 08 9593 8305
Telehealth Referral Line: 08 9593 8305

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, we do.  We have support workers with a wide variety of interests, both male and female. Please phone us on 08 9593 8305 or send us an email  for more information.

Yes, we do, please phone us on 08 9593 8305 or send us an email
The amount of funding you receive is based on your individual needs and what support you need to achieve your goals.  The price guide and quarterly statements for WA can give an idea of the average funding packages by age.  Click here for more information

If you accessed NDIS before the age of 65, you have two options when you turn 65 – you can either continue with the NDIS or access support through the Aged Care system.

When applying for an NDIS Plan, you will need to prepare for a planning meeting, attend a planning meeting with an NDIS or Local Area Coordinator to discuss your goals and getting approval from NDIS.  Your plan will be reviewed on a regular basis.

The funding you receive from the NDIS will not affect any pensions you receive through Centrelink or the carers payment that your family member may receive.

The National Disability Insurance Agency is an independent commonwealth government agency that oversees the implementation of the NDIS.

Yes, it can be used alone or in conjunction with other treatment plans. It is helpful to commence the program soon after diagnosis to assist stimulation of cognitive skills, daily living abilities and maintain quality of life.

Participants in the AMM program continue with the program based on individual assessment and review. For most participants you can expect to see positive results whether in cognition and /or quality of life score for approximately one to two years. Individual results can vary from person to person. AMM interventions can continue for as long as you wish or when it is recommended to transition to other types of therapy provided by Memory Nurture or by another provider.

At present, we have Memory Nurture facilitators in most areas of Perth.  We will do our best to assist you wherever you live and what services you require.

Home Care FAQ’s

Home care is different for everyone, but it is support that you or your loved one can receive in your home to help you live independently for longer.  It can include a variety of services from help with cooking, cleaning, and shopping to help with personal care or even accessing services in the community such as attending medical appointments.

Home Care is subsidised by the Government, though you may need to contribute to your funding depending on your circumstances.

To access these services, you and/or your loved one will need to be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).  They will consider your living situation and supports your needs medical conditions and diagnosis.  This will help them to determine your eligibility for services and what type of services you can access.  For more information contact My Aged Care 1800 200 422

A variety of services can be included such as:

  • Transport and assistance to stay social
  • Temporary assistance – respite
  • Personal care
  • Nursing care
  • Allied health services – physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry
  • Aids and equipment to help with tasks and improve safety
  • Shopping, meal preparation, cleaning, laundry
  • Home and garden maintenance

We can provide a range of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy services including –

  • Assessments – cognitive; mobility; falls risk; home safety and functional assessments
  • Assessment and recommendations for assistive aids and equipment
  • Our Therapists work with Therapy Assistants to provide cognitive stimulation and physical health programs
  • Creative Arts programs including Art Nurture and Music Nurture
  • If the home care plan is self-managed we can also provide carers

Meet a Musician FAQ’s

Memory Nurture strives to be at the forefront for delivering innovative, integrated, and holistic services to people with dementia and to provide support to their families. This includes integrating music as much as possible across a range of our services.

Music Nurture is a service where you can access sessions with an experienced Music Therapist or our skilled Therapy Assistants who are trained on how to use music when providing face-to-face individual and group support.

Meet a Musician Friendship Program is a service where we bring together musical artists with people living with dementia and their caregivers. The service is delivered virtually (using Zoom platform),

The cost for each musical artist will vary – the cost will depend on the skills and experience of the musical artist and whether they are further registered with the Australian Music Therapy Association (AMTA). Use the online booking platform to determine the cost of the musical artist. Cancellation fees apply for customer cancellations made within 48-hours of booking. 

No, it is not possible to pay for sessions using your government funding (NDIS or Aged Care Packages).  If you would like to include music interventions as part of your NDIS plan or Aged Care Package, you will need to access our Music Nurture program.  Please contact us for more information about this.

To book a music artist consult, scroll down to the booking process located at the bottom of this website page. Alternatively, please  Contact us to register your interest.

We have support workers located all over Perth. Depending on your location, we can organise a Memory Nurture support worker to be present during the music session to help you to set-up and also engage in the music session. This can be paid for using your NDIS/Home Care Package funding or can be paid for privately.

  • Video playing device (e.g. computer, laptop, phone, Ipad)
  • Speakers
  • Microphone
  • Web camera
  • Internet connection
  • Zoom software
  • Email account

Here are ways that we can help you to set-up at home:

  1. We can email you information outlining home set-up requirements and how to set-up Zoom Software.
  2. One of our staff can talk you through the process over-the-phone. Please Contact us to make a request.
  3. We can organise a Memory Nurture support worker to be present during the music session to help you to set-up and also engage in the music session.

At time of booking, as the customer, you will be emailed a ‘Brief Music Preference Questionnaire’ form. The form requests information related to your contact details, your life history, your musical preferences and how you would like to be engaged during the music session. This information will be provided to the musical artist prior to the session.

After completion of the music session, you will be emailed a ‘Session and Service Feedback Form’ so Memory Nurture can obtain information on how we can improve both the service and session we deliver to you in future.

The Musical Artist will also be requested to complete a ‘Session and Service Feedback Form’ to obtain their feedback and suggestions for improvements.

Experience – Our musical artists are highly talented in what they do often having either personal or professional experience working in a therapeutic setting. Refer to each individual’s music bio for this information. Every musical artist will also be requested to complete a live demonstration with the program coordinator prior to servicing customers.

Training – Each music artist will undertake Memory Nurture music and dementia therapy training prior to becoming what we call a Music Nurture Friend.

Credentials – Each musical artist will need to provide up-to-date evidence for AMTA Registration (if applicable) and undergo a National Police Clearance.

If you are a Customer and you wish to participate in Memory Nurture Meet a Musician Friendship Program, when you create an Account, we will collect Personal Information from you, such as your first and last name, email and mailing address, phone number, interests and music preferences and credit card information to facilitate payment processing.

If you are a Musical Artist, when you create an Account, we will collect Personal Information from you, such as your first and last name, email and mailing address, phone number, musical bio and profile picture, schedule availability and bank information to facilitate direct deposit of earnings.  

Yes, we would love to hear from you, please  Contact us  so we can follow-up your enquiry.

To find our more about Memory Nurture, or to book a consultation, click on an option below.